I love to build and create things. Here are some of my creative endeavors, ranging from simple projects made for fun to gadgets made to solve daily inconveniences to well-integrated products made to solve real world problems.

some favorites I’ve worked on!

digital portfolios

Here are two digital portfolios you can check out to see more in-depth documentation of my work!

high school projects

This digital portfolio shows my documentation for all the projects I have made for my school engineering classes. check it out for some good fun memories.

fab academy projects

This portfolio showcases all the work I did for Fab Academy, a 20-week, professional level engineering course taught by MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld. I did it less than a year into my engineering adventure, so it was a firehose, to say the least. Learned so much.

my github

I've been building more now that I have more time over the summer! Check out what I've been doing.

the archives